*tangomolino*- projects



*tangomolino* takes a break from stage due to the pandemic and Nastasja Sas offers an online-choreoproject for interested dancers

A video with the first choreography is published 2020, a second choreography-video is in the making in 2021





_____________________________________2017/ 18_____________________________________________________


2017 & 2018 regular practices and regrouping


____________________________________ 2016________________________________________________________


May 2016, Show & Class & Milonguita with live-music of TWANGO, at Brunnenmarktfest


_____________________________________ 2015______________________________________________________


November 2015, particpiation of tangomolino in the tango-short-movie "Für immer Dein",  Regie: Denis Pejovic


13th of June 2015, Brunnenmarkt-Straßenfest, with Nastasja & Werner und MINIMILONGA




14th of June 2014, Show at Brunnenmarkt-Straßenfest, introduction to tango argentino by Nastasja Sas and MICRO-milonga.


30th of March 2014, TANGOMOLINO ON STAGE in VIENNA and MILONGA in Spielraumtheater!



After having returned from Bs. As., Argentina, where Nastasja Sas lived in  El Molino a famous building and confiteria she names her newly found tango-theater-company in dedication to this historic building *tangomolino* in Vienna.